Effercio Blue

I’m proud to announce that my first WordPress theme, Effercio Blue, is now available. :

  • Support for WordPress Tags (a new feature in WordPress 2.3)
  • Support for Dynamic Sidebar and Widgets
  • Custom Link and Archive Page Styles

A demo of the site can be found here.

Obviously, I’m expecting there to be issues. If you happen to find any that make the theme unusable for you, please let me know.

The theme includes:

  • Support for WordPress Tags (a new feature in WordPress 2.3)
  • Support for Dynamic Sidebar and Widgets
  • Custom Link and Archive Page Styles
  • Inline Asides*

If you’re wondering what the rationale behind the name is… effercio is Latin for “stuff”, and that’s what my site’s all about… Anyway, I hope you enjoy the theme! Let me know what you think!

This theme and its accompanying elements are released under GPL.


  • 09.30.08 – Released 1.0.2. No stuctural changes, but theme license is now GPL-compatible.
  • 10.05.07 – Added Effercio Blue to FreeWordpressThemes.com
  • 10.03.07 – Released 1.0.1. Fixed issue in header.php where Home link was not working properly.
  • 10.02.07 – Effercio Blue was featured on Weblog Tools Collection.
  • 09.05.07 – Inline Asides can be enabled by creating a category called ‘Asides’. The logic’s already in place on index.php to handle the special formatting for it. If you do add it, you’ll simply need to make one (OPTIONAL) modification to your sidebar.php file. (It hides Asides from the category list.) I use Asides to post links that I wouldn’t normally do a full post on.

    <?php wp_list_categories('title_li=&show_count=0&exclude=ASIDECATEGORYID'); ?>