An Event Apart: Atlanta

I’ll be making the two-hour trek to attend An Event Apart: Atlanta this Sunday. Originally I was going to drive up on Monday morning, seeing as Augusta is only 2 hours east of Atlanta. I decided it would be a good idea to head up a little early so I wouldn’t have to contend with rush-hour traffic on Monday morning, and so I would be well rested.

I can’t really convey how excited I am about attending this event. I’ll be able to meet the likes of Jeffrey Zeldman, Eric Meyer, Todd Dominey and Jason Santa Maria… and learn from their experiences. You just can’t put a price on that sort of thing.

Zeldman’s book Designing With Web Standards changed my way of working on the web. More specifically, it made me excited about web design again. When I read it, I was ready to give up design. I was ready to give up code. I was ready to move onto something else altogether. Thank God I read that book. It opened my eyes, and relit the spark within me to pursue design further.

Eric Meyer’s books on CSS are amazing, informative and insightful.

I am fascinated with the design skillz of Todd Dominey and Jason Santa Maria.

Couple that with the fact that I’ll be there with other geeks just as much into this stuff as I am… it’s going to be an awesome time.

If I have time, I plan on liveblogging the event… I’ll be snapping pics while there too… So stay posted, friends… Atlanta, here I come.