Tag: Microsoft

  • Microsoft Asking for IE8 Suggestions

    Microsoft starts gathering IE 8 input – Microsoft has contacted a number of beta testers to seek input it will use to customize Internet Explorer (IE) 8, the next version of its Web browser. IE 8 is expected to ship 18 to 24 months after IE 7, which Microsoft released last fall, making Version 8.0…

  • Pandora’s Box

    In the beginning there was Text, and it was good. I’m still in awe about how much residual traffic I’ve gotten as a result of the conversation going on about how Microsoft Breaks HTML Email Rendering in Outlook 2007. The story, in various forms, has appeared on a number of sites. If you were to…

  • MSN Virtual Earth

    In an effort to compete with Google’s efforts, Microsoft has released the new MSN VirtualEarth website. Very cool in my opinion.