More Thoughts on Basecamp

Just realized that I am second only to Jason Fried in the number of posts I have made over in the Basecamp forums. Maybe I visit it too much? I dunno. Basecamp has really struck a cord with me. It’s one of those sort of apps that you either love or hate. I for one can easily say – the $50/month we spend on Basecamp is more than worth the expense.

We’ve used Basecamp full-time as our Project Management app of choice. Before, we used an Excel spreadsheet and Outlook to keep track of projects. There was no centralized place for information related to our projects. All that has changed now. Now, I can log in from work or home and get contact information for clients; check on updates on projects; review files and messages that have been posted; review the workload of co-workers; and so very much more. I’ve said it once before, and I will say it again, Basecamp helps us work better. It helps us stay on top of information. It helps us communicate better. It improves our organization.

I say these things because I feel that strongly about Basecamp. I know I sound like a fanboy, but I don’t really care. Basecamp is that good. If your business/organization is looking for a better way to manage projects – please consider Basecamp. It might just be the best business decision you’ve ever made.